A week ago i started getting pain when i pee but it wasn't like a painful pain more like an annoying pain so i just let it go but then it wasn't always when i went pee i would get up out of bed and get sharp shooting pains in my pelvic area and ovaries. So Larry told me i should see a doctor i told him i thought it was just a UTI but then he reminded me it could be something serious and reminded me of when i had cervical cancer and cysts on my ovaries so i started to get scared...so yesterday i went to my regular doctor and told her how i was feeling and the nurse said oh yeah that sounds like a UTI so she gave me a cup to pee in and i went in the bathroom and did my buisness. A couple minutes later my doctor came in and she looked concerned which instantly made my heart feel like it fell out of my butt...she said we tested your urine and it came back negative for a UTI and she said i think you should go see your Gynocologist, which made me even more nervous because what if something is back, i don't want to die, i already have enough stress, and i'm terrified so as soon as i left the doctor i just sat in my car bawling...i called susie and she calmed me down from hyperventalating, then i called Larry and reasurred me that no matter what it is we will work through it together <fyi I LOVE HIM HE'S THE GREATEST:)> but i feel bad cuz instantly i started screaming at him "why do you always have to be right!" :<. Ok so after i calmed down enough i was able to call the Gynocologist and set up an appointment today for an ultrasound, so i went in and got an ultra sound and if you've never had an ultrasound through your cooter it is NOT fun the wand looks like this and let me tell you i've been violated by this thing so many times i dispise it, it's painful and uncomfortable because the doctor gives it to you to stick it in and then they push and prod all around in there to see things. Anyways

I'm sure all of this is TMI but i want to help people with everything i go through and to never underestimate your body and if you think something feels different in your body GET IT CHECKED OUT ASAP....
Hey Erica it melissa your cousin when I first started reading this kidney stones came to mind but usually there is a lot more pain but you could just have a small one just an idea I hope you feel better