Saturday, July 30, 2011


OK so i know i haven't written a blog in a loooong time but i figured today i'd write one and i thought it was pretty interesting....
so a customer today called me Erica the awesome because after all i am awesome :)
anyways this blog is going to be about what it would be like to be a super hero!
So this is what my out fit would look like if i was a super hero
Erica The Awesome
ok so my super powers would be :
  • stopping bullys
  • stopping rude people
  • saving children
  • and terrorizing people who are rude or mean to those who don't deserve it
  • ^haha i know none of those are cool but what ever
Fayth would be my side kick
obviously her job would be chasing away birds haha my little super hero :)
These would be our masks so no one knew who we where :)

My weaknesses would probably be hmm..... confrontation <so says my boyfriend haha but isn't that ironic to be a super hero and not like confrontation lol
for some reason i can't upload this video but it's super funny
omg i love this guy

Now i told my boyfriend earlier what i was going to write about and he laughed saying and i quote "what are you going to be a giant sqwirting pussy" <he says this because i'm the biggest wuss ever but it was a very funny conversation haha...

well hope you enjoyed :) peace and love

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