Thursday, July 7, 2011

mushy stuff

alright so i'd like to clear some stuff up because i found out today i'm really old school haha

alright so earlier i asked someone if they where talking to a guy or "talking" to a guy and i guess to her it meant something different to me so heres my deffinition
talking- means to me that your just talking to them and seeing if you can start a relationship with this person and that your not doing anything "inappropriate" with them
"talking" is when you've either already started a relationship or your just "doing inappropriate things" with them...

alright now that i got that cleared up i'd like to talk about holding hands

ok holding hands to me is stupid unless it's a child or your in a place and you don't want to lose the person because to me holding hands is like your on a leash like a dog and i'm not to sure why people do it like when they are walking in the park...are they afraid to get lost in the park? does it make them feel closer? do they want everyone to know they are taken? idk what ever the reason it doesn't make sense to me

now if your an otter i guess it's ok because they are too darn cute and they don't want the other one to float away

any thoughts on both subjects?


  1. perfectly said...couldnt have done it better myself.

  2. Haha thanks :)love knew you'd like it
