Friday, March 23, 2012

Corn dog muffins
This is what they are supposed to look like :)

and this is how i made it with my own little twist

i went to the store to get corn bread mix and the only one soy free i found was this one... I've used this corn bread mix in the past to make corn bread casserole, so i knew it was good...the ingredients are very simple
  1. Cream corn
  2. 1/4 cup butter
  3. 1/3 cup water
so here's my process.....

 i cut up hot dogs i used 2 hot dogs <i used turkey because I'm allergic to pork>
 I put them in the mix add some shredded cheese and then into these beautiful cupcake cups :) put it in the oven for about 20 min on 350* and here they are

They turned out great! the next time i make these I'll add more hot dogs

  1. Very cheap to make
  2. Taste great!
  3. Cute for kids
  4. Great appetizers
  5. My daughter tried it which is a plus!

  1. Probably not the healthiest

Overall I'd say this recipe was a SUCCESS!!!

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