Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hot dog spaghetti

This is what the recipe says that it's supposed to look like according to
and this is how mine turned out....

Now before i begin as some of you know i'm allergic to pork, so i used turkey hotdogs which are AMAZING and not as fattening.

So first what you have to do is use spaghetti and poke it through the sliced hotdogs using like 4 or 5 noodles per hot dog as me and my daughter did here.

Then you put the noodles with the hot dogs into your pan and cook them till they are done

While the noodles and hot dogs are cooking you take a package of cheese out of a mac and cheese box and make it like the box instructs....<I didn't use milk because we where out so i used water and i think thats less in calories that way as well>

I then strained the noodles and put them in a big bowl for mixing.

I dumped the cheese sauce over the noodles and mixed it up so i was even through out the noodles.

I added some extra cheese on top and tada hot dog spaghetti! :)

This recipe was Definitly A SUCCESS! I LOVED IT


  1. Fun for kids to do
  2. My daughter liked it and ate some of the noodles which is always a success
  3. Kid friendly to eat
  4. Cheap to make
  5. Tastes great!

  1. NONE this was easy to do and tasted great

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