Sunday, March 25, 2012

Creamy garlic pasta and crusted honey mustard chicken

Let me start off by saying i can't fully take responsibility for the food orgasm your going to have ;)
And secondly the chicken is weight watchers chicken!!!!

This is what they are supposed to look like according to

Now this is how mine turned out
First we made the dipping sauce for the chicken
We then dipped the chicken into the sauce and into the bread crumbs
and cooked them in the oven. While those where cooking we started making the pasta<soy free>.

Added the rest of the ingredients :) and magic happened
I don't think this picture does it justice because it was amazing!!
Obviously you can tell this was a SUCCESS!!

  1. Part of this recipe is low in fat
  2. I had a food orgasm
  3. Smells amazing
  1. ALOT of ingredients so it might be expensive if you dont' have alot of the things at home already
  2. I couldn't of done this recipe by myself, it's not for people who are just starting out cooking

I would suggest doing this recipe for those who love to cook!!! great recipes

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