Wednesday, March 21, 2012

shephards pie

The very first recipe i made was shephards pie...before i tell you how it went let me tell you how long it took to make.....this recipe took me 2 hours just to make and here is a picture
i sauted corn, peas, and carrots in one pan and i boiled 3 large potatoes in the other pan.
Once the vegetables where sauted i added the raw meat and cooked it in the pan till it was done and brown then combined them in my pan
Obviously i mashed the potatoes ontop of the vegetable and meat
i then added cheese and baked it
 and it was great


  1. It was easy and inexpensive
  2. It tasted great
  3. Ate this for the entire week
  4. Good for you
  1. Took forever to make
  2. I had to add extra pepper for more taste\
Overall this was a great recipe and other then setting my stove on fire it was a SUCCESS!

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