Sunday, June 19, 2011

duh dddduuuuuh

Alright it's been a couple days since i did this and thats mainly because of my homework situation ugh i have a test tom. on chinesse music and i haven't even started AHHHHHH.

well not much has happened in the passed couple brother spent the night a couple days ago and it was nice seeing him, and fayth got new glasses

they have pink rims on them and she is super excited about it lol as you can see.

Yesterday i took fayth to Michaels craft store because they had a free craft for fathers day to do so i did one for my dad and fayth did one for larry

So i guess i should tell you what i like or i'm interested in that starts with a D
Dancing- I love to dance even if i'm not good at it. fayth loves to dance too it's always so funny. anytime someone is in a bad mood around here we start dancing and it makes us feel better.

this is why i love dancing

dogs- i love little dogs :)

dinosaurs- i'm super interested in dinosaurs

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