Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First day of school!

Alrighty well today was my first day of summer classes in my first class which is world music we talked about alot of cool things and listened and watched videos of different cultures so i'd like to share that with you
and i've never heard of this and everyone in class thought that was so weird lol
i've never heard of this too!

ok besides showing us those an hour into class this girl comes in to class all pissed off and she said is this the world music class and we said yeah and she started yelling at the teacher because he moved the room and didn't tell anyone and i wanted to say if you where here on time that probably woulnd't of happen! but he wrote it on the board in the classroom that we moved to and my teacher is like 19 so he was like appolgizing and everything all i thought was what a bitch!

In my second class which is multi cultural literature i looked at the sylybis and there where 5 books we needed for the class these 5 in the picture
well anyways i thought maybe the teacher wanted us to read a couple chapters from each to get an idea of the type of writing they do. WELL I WAS WRONG she wants us in 8 weeks to read all 5 books!!!!! i'm going to be very busy! on the upside my cousin Michelle Manley is in my class with me which is pretty awesome considering i didn't even know she was going to take that class!

well i better get to reading! the top book has to be read by monday!

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