Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hey dude if i wanted to see your nipples i would have asked

ok so i worked earlier and one of my biggest pet peeves with guys is when they take a shirt and rip it so their nipples show..i drew a picture
idk who told them this is attractive but it's not!

Also today at work a customer came in and he looked lost so i asked him if he needed help finding something and he said yeah where are your condoms? so i directed him towards where they where and he came back and said thanks but you don't have what i need.....we have almost every kind of condom back there what could he possibly be looking for? lol

After work i took Fayth to visit her Nana and sister Marley shes adorable! i always say as long as people have babies around me i'll be fine but as i was playing with Marley i relized that might not be the case i know Larry doesn't want any kids right now and i dont' want any till i'm graduated but idk maybe i could be a mom to another one i kinda miss it :/ but only time with tell and i still have 3 years left on my IUD so i guess we will see what happens either way i won't be disappointed because i already have one that i absolutly adore!
Oh on a side note Fayths dad is having another child with his wife so fayth will be a big sister again :)

Ok i absolutly love Avril Lavigne and she just posted on her facebook she met Jessie J which is another one of my favorite singers :) this is the new crime map this week in case you where wondering lol

well that was interesting
can't believe this is even a sign

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