Monday, June 13, 2011

starting something new...

so tom. i start a new job i'm pretty nervous but excited at the same time the first day is always a try out day to see if they like you but one good thing is they pay for your gas the first day lol yay i need gas so that works...

Fayth got Hair Feathers put in today

Alright so i decided that i would do blogs about things i love from A-Z atleast 5 things so haha thats going to be very interesting! So today starts with letter A

Acrobats- they amaze the crap out of me idk how they do it but it's amazing

astronauts- i don't think that i could go to a foreign planet and now be scared to death...and when you look at the suits what if they fart?

Apes- my favorite primate

Ariell- as a child growing up a ginger i kind of looked up to her in a way...i would always swim i loved being in the water and i would pretend to be her in the water i thought i was so cool haha
Avril Lavigne- when i was younger i went through a very depressed stage and listening to her music was the only way i got through it i used to have a shrine in my bedroom of every picture of her in a magazine it got pretty rediculous but it was crazy how every song she made was the way i was thinking and it really helped me and shes so beautiful! i wish i could have seen her in a concert...
hopefully you enjoy getting to know me better :)

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