Wednesday, June 15, 2011

to B or not to B

Alright so today Fayth went to the eye doctor...that was an but we got her new glasses so she loved that...

Well here's 5 things i like or facinate me starting with B
Babies- i love babies!!! nough said
this is Fayth when she was 2 days old! she was such a chunky baby.

this movie called babies was an awesome movie and a must see

Bacon- omg i love bacon i could eat it with anything
Boggle- i love the game boggle
Baking- I love baking cookies and anything even if i'm not hungry i'll still bake lol its just really fun to me
Big Butts- idk why but they always get me to look at there butt when it's big probably because i am jealous because i don't have a butt lol idk haha weird

haha omg i love this music videohow the hell did she do that?
what do you like that starts with the letter B?

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