Sunday, June 5, 2011

My life with an accident prone child.....

well today started out good cuz i finally finished the first book for my class thats due tom. then i went into work at within a half hour my phone kept going off and it was Larry calling me so i finally answered it at work and Larry told me i needed to come home and take fayth to the E.R. so i asked work if i could leave and rushed home to find my apartment looking like someone got murdered there was blood everywhere bathroom hallway because she stepped on a piece of glass and her foot started sqwerting blood everywhere larry said so i packed her up and rushed to the hospital... this is a picture of her foot...ouch!
she did so good she barely cried and even during the xray she was giving me thumbs up shes such a trooper....we waited so long to see a doctor they gave us a gift card for 10$ to andersons lol awesome so anyways they soaked it in a solution shown here
They even gave her a toy to play with as well...

and then they wheeled her out like a princess lol

overall it was a stressful day but thanks to larry for taking such great care of my baby girl it all turned out's times like these that make me fall in love with him more and more every day.....i never relized what healthy love was till i fell in love with him we are the luckiest girls in the world :)

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