We had alot of fun we all played 3 games and fayth did really good one time she didn't even touch the bumpers and got a spare it was awesome! But one of the ladies working was really mean and rude ugh i hate mean and rude old ladies!!!

And fayth drew these pictures today and i couldn't stop laughing because Fayth is like the cutest little girl idk where she gets it....
And this second picture she said was of her and her baby sister Marley obviously Fayth is on the right because shes wearing glasses haha thats so funny she even added a little pony tail ontop of her sisters head haha.
Fayth slept in till like 1045 today i had to wake her up to get her ready to go bowling i dont' think she's ever slept in that late ever! but i took a picture of her sleeping because shes too cute not too lol...
Now before i go i'm going to fill out this little survey just because :)
60 little secrets.
zero - who was your last text from?
one - where was your default pic taken?
two - when will your next kiss be?
Probably when i get in bed with my sugar bear :)
three - have you ever lost a close friend?
four - what is your current mood?
five - what's your brother(s) names?
Canen and Brandon
six - where do you wish you were right now?
Somewhere else like new york
seven - do you have a crazy side?
eight - ever had a near death experience?
nine - last person you flipped off?
someone driving probably
ten - angry at anyone?
eleven - what's stopping you from going for the person you like?
nothing i have him
twelve - what happened at 12?
we went bowling
thirteen - is there anyone you would do anything for?
yes my daughter and larry
fourteen - what do you think about when you are falling asleep?
how lucky i am
seventeen - who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
step mom
eighteen - what is your favorite song?
i have too many.
nineteen - what are you doing right now?
doing this
twenty - who do you trust right now?
Fayth and Larry
twenty one - what was your last dream about?
it was too weird to tell lol
twenty two - do you wish you could change anything?
yeah my job
twenty three - do you miss anyone?
yes my best friend sam
twenty four - do you owe anyone an apology?
twenty five - what are you thinking of right now?
this question lol
twenty six- what should you be doing right now?
laying in bed with Larry
twenty seven - what are you listening to?
myself typing
twenty eight - what did you do last night?
hmm nothing
twenty nine - who was the last person who yelled at you?
probably larry or Fayth
thirty - do you act differently around the person you like?
nope i act the same around everyone
thirty one - what is your natural hair color?
thirty two - who was the last person to make you laugh?
thirty three - who was the last person to make you sad?
thirty four - do you like justin beiber?
thirty five- is your hair naturally curly or straight?
thirty six - has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
Haha yes just a min. ago
thirty seven - what is your favorite show?
i have too many
thirty eight - gone skinny dipping this summer?
thirty nine - do you use smiley faces on the computer?
yes :)
forty - have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
who hasn't
forty one - are you happy with life right now?
forty two - are you currently jealous?
haha of who
forty three - are you single?
Nope happily taken :)
forty four - what are you doing friday night?
Probably the same thing we do every friday watching movies at home
forty five - have you ever had your heart broken?
Um is that even a question of course i have
forty six - have you ever broken someone's heart?
forty seven - is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
forty eight - what are you looking forward to?
School surprisingly
forty nine - how late did you stay up last night and why?
12 had nothing to do
fifty - does anyone like you right now?
Someone is madly in love with me right now
fifty one - what is something that makes you mad?
alot of things make me mad but if you've read my blogs you know lol
fifty two - do you wish anyone in particular was still in your life?
fifty three - do you have plans for this weekend?
fifty four - whats your relationship status?
Happily taken
fifty five - is there anyone in the room with you?
yep Fayth is sleeping
fifty six - does anyone hate you?
i dont care
fifty seven - do you think relationships are even worth it?
the one i'm in now is
fifty eight - what are you going to do tonight?
fifty nine - do you ever wonder if the person standing next to you is a virgin or not?
sixty - who do you go to for advice the most?
Well thats enough from me :) good night
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