Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well today was pretty boring all we did was clean and relax which i'm not complaining about lol but here's some pictures of our day

shes weird haha  and this is her singing in the car

Oh so grades came out today and theres my grade card I was so proud of myself i almost started crying i should have gotten all A's but for some reason i got all A's on every ethics paper and then my last one he gave me a C hmmm idk but what ever i made it to honors standing for the first time ever.
And with everything that has been happening in my life lately i can't believe it for some reason nothing can break me i'm bulletproof i think i should get that tattood on me somewhere. I've gotten through so much and each time i've become a stronger better person.
I remember when i was pregnant with Fayth when i was 19 and i knew my family supported me but i could always tell they where just doing it, not because they ment it but it was just kinda there if that makes sense like they where forced to. I knew deep down no one really thought i was going to be able to do it because i was such a bad teenager but i think thats what drove me to be a great mom because i fealt like no one was rooting for me you know. But i grew up very quick and straightened my path to where i am now and i'm so very thankful for the power i have been given i can't thank god enough for sticking by me through thick and thin and being there to watch over me when he knew i had nothing left to give. I know Fayth is going to turn out to be a great person because she has me and Larry to guide her down that path and i'm so very thankful that i finally found somebody that i trully love with all my heart that loves Fayth like his own and puts up with us lol.....I never knew what love was until i felt it with him. I always thought i knew what it was but this feeling is unlike any other feeling it's mature love nothing to be afraid of i don't have to question it nor do i have to prove it everyday it's there and i will never take that for granted....

ok enough with the mushy stuff this is halarious!!!

last but not least funny tombstones


1 comment:

  1. Definitely an honor student (heard the SPE-210 class was killer). Fayth has a great role model for sure. Considering a "this sucks" bench for the hereafter. -BW
