Thursday, May 19, 2011


so my cat of 18 years was put down today.. :( boo but i'm glad shes not suffering anymore and that shes in kitty heaven<that was tough to explain to fayth lol> Now i'd like to go on a little rant about this.....why is is right that animals can be uthinized but if i have a family member who is suffering i can't uthinize them without being put in prison? I understand that people think that animals don't have rights because they can't speak to make an agreement with us but animals are by far more valuable to us then actual humans and we all know that! idk just something to think about...

heres a video of fayth saying her ABC"s
i really like this video
aint that the truth ladies!

I found this story earlier and i thought you should read it
it's basically saying that the homeland security gave toledo no funding for anti terrorism measure the people that commented on the article have mixed opinions but overall its good to learn.

haha did you hear the lady who gave her daughter botox then got her daughter taken away because of it is now saying that she was paid to make the whole story up? and the people she claimed paid her to do it are now suing her because they say she is lying now thats interesting!!

Even though i just took fayth to the imagination station a couple days ago i want to go back because they just opened the Bodies Revealed section and it looks really cool...suposedly it's real human bodies that where preserved with tissue and stuff still on them and i think their organs as well idk it looks really cool!

Haha well i found this on the abc news website basically saying we are going to be overrun by zombies and the guy is so serious it made me laugh...

and to end this blog for the night this should be allegal to look this good after having twins!

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