Saturday, May 7, 2011


Alright sorry for the late one i was too tired yesterday to post one....yesterday me and Jackie went to the zumbathon at the YMCA for 2 whole hours it was really fun! There was this girl there and she was maybe 15 and she was like shaking her ass like a stripper in front of everybody and the music hadn't even started yet it was gross. There where these 2 little girls that where standing by us and one of them was amazing she got every move every booty shake lol they where probably only 8 lol well anyways it was fun.

Again yesterday at work a certain someone made me cry...this is getting rediculous i can only take so much. I used to love coming to work and now i dread it and it shouldn't be like that so i talked to the manager and she basically told me to suck it up because thats the way she is? yeah ok the next time she is rude to me i'm probably going to have to smack a bitch down lol jkjk. shes 70 i don't want to break a hip or something lol

So i read on the news today that a 13 year old boy sexually assaulted at 3 year old boy!!!! wtf is this world coming to?

I want to take Fayth to the zoo today but Larry doesn't get off work till 3 and i want to take her to imagination station but Larry won't go there with us so idk what we are going to do today ugh.

Well my best friend is Prego and shes the last one of the cirlce of freinds to have a baby and i'm so excited for her if only i lived closer then 2 hours away i could pamper her and the baby lol  I"m so happy for you Samster Sam I love you :) this picture is from Fayths first birthday party. as you can see fayth looks alot different lol

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