Thursday, May 5, 2011

paper towels=napkin right?

alright i feel like everyone was in a bad mood today at work and it was miserable to be there. and has been for awhile for somereason. I used to love coming to work every day and now it's like i get treated like crap as well as other employees especially in front of customers. NO ONE SHOULD BE TREATED THAT WAY NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. and ways I asked "said person" for a napkin cuz i spilled something and this "said person" said i don't have a napkin so i said well do you have anything i can use to clean this up and this "said person" said yeah i have paper towles. WTF? is anyone as confused as i am? i mean if u knew i spilled something  don't you think you'd stop being a biatch and not try to be rude or mean?

Today Fayth went to her first birthday party at chuckie cheese and she had so much fun

So theres a new sex offender who was regestered in perrysburg yesterday and sadely i went to school with him GROSS he was always weird but didn't think a 26 year old would ever do that to a 13 year old GROSS..

OMG i found this horrible story that was in the paper today here's the headline Police: Child Found Eating Her Own Skin. Now thats not all they also found a child burried in the back yard and a 1 month old all three had no birth certificates? wtf? thats the story

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