Saturday, May 21, 2011

I guess i survived the end of the world

Well today was a very eventful day we went to my step moms house and ate hotdogs

 then we went go karting Fayth loved that lol we placed second and almost beat this little kid who kept trying to run us off the road lol...

Then we went to tropical smoothie cafe
and this smoothie was probably the best one i've had!!

When Larry got home from work we went to harley davidson so i could sit on the bikes and see which one i liked
after that we went to meijer and bought a grill and made hambergers and marshmellows it was delicious!! then we got rained out and had to go inside
By the end of the day i am SUNBURNT ouch. either the sun doesn't like me or it likes me too much but this doesn't look like it's going to be a good summer if i'm already burnt and it was only in the 70's today!! uh oh i better go get myself some more sunscreen lol
Ok enough with my day i found this story this is the little boy that i wrote about in my blog a couple days ago they found out who killed him and it was his own mother...

this story is horrible why would you shoot a man 71 times? isn't 1 or 2 enought and he may have had a gun but come on thats bruttle wtf!

well thats enough of me for tonight :)

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