Friday, May 13, 2011

Ethnicity and Loins?

Alrighty so for some reason my computer screen is really big like i'm supposed to be blind or something and i don't know how it got that way lol weird! haha

Well today i went to work and i got my schedule and i'm pissed they cut our hours, hired more people, and gave the new people more hours. WTF does that make sense? no!

When i was at work today and someone bought something called swordfish loins and i was thinking aren't loins where you carry babies? well i called the meat department and asked them what it was and he thought i was crazy for thinking that but i looked it up and i was right and so was he so if you've ever wanted to know what a tenderloin or any kind of loin is here you go:
The loins are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back.[1][2][3] It is often used when describing the anatomy of humans and quadrupeds (such as horses,[4][5] pigs[6][7] or cattle[8]). The anatomical reference also carries over into the description of cuts of meat from some such animals, eg. tenderloin or sirloin steak.[2]

Ok once again at work a lady said she loved my skin on my face which is alittle creepy to me but then she aske me "what ethnicity are you?" now i've never been asked that because people usually assume because i have red hair i'm Irish so i kind of just looked at her and was confused why she was asking me lol so i finally answered that i was Irish, German, and Welsh. She then said oh it has to be your irish because i've been to Germany and they don't have nice skin haha wtf? people are weird but i fealt flattered that she liked my skin atleast lol....

So fayth is growing up so fast and it's halarious to watch her grow up.....soo me and Larry have been teaching Fayth to tell the truth even if she did something wrong or could get in trouble and i dropped a glass from my coffee on the ground and she said "mommy you spilled it" and i said "no i didn't there isn't anything in it" because i had just drank it all and so she walked over to the glass and there was like a dribble of coffee left and she said "mommy it's not good to lie" hahaha atleast shes learning... it was so funny then she went to Larry and said i think we should beat mommy up for lying lol shes such a hoot.

Now we've had a hard time with this one on and off and i know she's not really affected because he was never really around anyways but Its really hard when your child says "why hasn't my daddy called me" "where is my daddy" I think if you haven't seen your kid in almost 6 months you shouldn't be considered a parent hurts my heart! Fayth deserves so much better and im so happy that she has larry to look up to as a father figure! I know Fayth isn't affected by her dads disappearance because she only asks when we are watching movies and they talk about their dad or when we pass a swimming pool because he used to take her swimming and she has Larry and he's such a great father figure to her i'm so very grateful to have him in my life. :)

well thats enough of me today until next time:)

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