Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

So tom. is offically the last day of the semester because i have 3 exams tom. WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Ok anyways to get to the real topic at hand Osama (Usama) Bin Laden. Now last night they released this information that he had been killed I was shocked and then after the shock wore off i had questions that i wanted answered and as many of you know i've talked about the 9/11 conspiracy so you already know what my side is on so it's not hard for you to believe that i think this could also be fake. The reasons for me to think they are fake is because
  1. No photos have been released
  2. It's a very conveinent time for this to happen
  3. they got rid of his body so quick
  4. They have changed their story on who had the body
  5. They said he was killed in the mountains but the photos released of where he was shot was in a mansion
  6. Supposedly they don't want to show the picture because you can see his brains but they say it's no doubt osama
Just to name a few reasons. heres a website to look at

This is supposedly the place he was shot at but all i see is blood...

The special ops forces who supposedly killed Osama is called DEVGRU if you wanted to know that.

They released this clearly fake picture
When clearly they took these photos and put them together

Now i was at work today and a lady came through my line and said it's a good but somber day and i said "why is that?" and she said "because Osama is dead" and i said "yeah supposedly" and she looked at me and said "your rediculous why would they lie to us about that" and at that point i wanted to laugh and say why wouldn't they then she said "thats like saying we never went to the moon because you weren't there." Now i could've said "did i say anything about the moon landing NO i'm talking about Osama supposedly being dead and i think i have a right to my own opinion maybe it's you thats rediculous." but i didn't say anything i just wrung her out and sent her on her way. Now i'm not forcing you to believe that any of this is real or fake i'm just telling you what i think and thats my opinion. so take it or leave it but until i see some proof other then out of someones mouth i'm not believing it. enough said

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