Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What chu think bout that...

So i bought a new game the other day and it's called brink here's the trailer its the coolest game! check it out!

I can't wait to start a new semester of school to learn new things but im not prepared for the homework and papers that i'll probably have to write. I am only taking 2 classes during the summer one is a cultural music class and the other is multicultural literature so i'm sure the literature one will be a hard one. but i guess we will see.

i found this and thought it was pretty cool check it out!!

http://www.toledoblade.com/news/2011/05/17/Wisconsin-man-eats-25-000th-Big-Mac-on-39th-anniversary-of-eating-his-first-nine.html haha this guy ate 25,000 bigmacs in 3 years thats like 22 big macs a day!!!!!!!! wtf! and the dude looks super skinny! geez

as some of you may of heard Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on his wife and has been raising a child with a women for over 20 some years!!! now i'd like to rant about this for a bit one on the side of the woman and the other on the side of the man:
WOMEN: why is it that men can't just be happy with what they have and if thats the case why can't you leave the woman rather then sleeping around? and why would you wait 20 years to tell your wife? wtf is wrong with people these days?
MEN: How can the women not know what going on? How does she not know where her husband is and how does she not suspect something how can these women be sooooo blind?

yet again R.I.P.

music videos to Larry I love you Larry

Larry dedicated this one to me yesterday :)

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