Alright sorry there wasn't a blog yesterday i wasn't feeling too good....
Well yesterday i worked 11-730 and the computers crashed 8 times!!!!! so we had to run back and forth for hours it was crazy!
Well this customer came in and was at another register and his shirt said "do you want to touch my nuts?" and i told the bagger to look at it and a customer in my line heard me and he laughed and looked at me and i said i wish i could go up to him and say "no sure i do not want to touch your nuts" lol you may not think it was funny because you had to be there haha......
Now what i don't understand is why old men and weirdos tend to be attracked to me i dont' get it? do i have a come and get it stamp tattoo on my head? Well this elderly old man came through my line during the computer systems being down and i joked saying well atleast i'm getting my exercise and he said "oh you don't need it" and i said " i must hide it well lol cuz the scale says i do lol" and i said "my boyfriend thinks i look good so i guess thats all that matters right" and he said damn you got a boyfriend lol CREEPY lol
ok my biggest petpeeve is people who wear those blue tooth things and this guy came through my line wearing one but it wasn't just anyone it looked like this!

Me and Fayth took pictures earlier and she is so darn stinkin cute

idk how a little boy just appears and nobody has reported him missing? thats horrible
The last thing i'd like to say is R.I.P. M-BONE!!!
Teach all those that passed with you how to dougie you will be greatly missed :(
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