I have a disease called Keratosis Pilaris a.k.a Chicken skin disease it looks like the picture, and i have it all over my arms and legs and Fayth does too it sucks! people always say geez it looks like you got alot of sun and i'm like nope thats just how i look lol so here's some facts so you know what it is
- 40 to 50% of the adult population and approximately 50 to 80% of all adolescents have this disease.
- Most people with keratosis pilaris don't know they have it
- resembles goosebumps, it is characterized by the appearance of small, rough bumps on the skin.
- Primarily, it appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms, but can also occur on thighs and buttocks or any body part except palms or soles.
- cannot be cured, howeverit can be treated.
- tends to be worse during the winter months or other times of low humidity when the skin dries out.
- I got this information from http://www.helpforkp.com/
- I'd like to talk about whats happening on capitol hill right now that alot of people haven't seen and thats the planned parenthood and abortion clinics and many people don't know that these places where the reason the government almost shut down because they couldn't agree on a plan fortunatly they agreed and here's some information about it
- last Thursday, Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies rallied on Capitol Hill demanding that Congress ensure federal money continue to flow to the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
- At the rally, powerful, pro-abortion politicians like Senator Chuck Schumer, the Majority Whip of the U.S. Senate, declared that de-funding Planned Parenthood would “never, never, never” pass in the Senate.
- The theme for the day was to stop the pro-life movement’s “War on Women.” And Rep. Louise Slaughter, from New York, earns the “award” for the most horrific statement that day.
At the rally, Rep. Slaughter not only compared our efforts to stop taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood to Nazis, but also said, “they’re here to kill women.” - While the deal did not include de-funding Planned Parenthood, it did force the pro-abortion leaders in the U.S. Senate and President Obama to accept the pro-life Dornan Amendment, which prevents tax-paying funding of abortions in the District of Columbia. It also mandated that the U.S. Senate, for the first-time ever, will have to take a vote this week on the Pence Amendment to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
- It has been estimated that the Dornan Amendment will save over 1,000 pre-born babies a year from tax-payer funded abortion in the nation’s capitol.
Because of your hard work, 1,000 precious babies will be saved this year in Washington, D.C. - disagreements over Planned Parenthood funding between the pro-life House and pro-abortion Senate leadership almost caused a government shut down.
Now this was from a facebook email because i belong to a group called abolish abortion...I'm neither for nor against abortion but i wanted to know more about each side so i joined the group and here are my thoughts on the subject...I believe that it is your choice to decide what you want to do and i believe if you where assaulted and got pregnant you have that right to end it because that is a horrible way to carry a child and there isn't any way you could provide for that child with out having resentment towards them...But if you spread your legs willingly without protection then no i don't think you should have the option for an abortion. just alittle bit of my opinion but it's good to know whats going on with the government since they like to keep it on the D.L.
Ok so as some of you may know Fayth competed in a Nickelodeon contest here's her picture >
And unfortunatly she didn't win which i think she should have i think it was rigged!! and here are the pictures of the kids that won i think she's clearly cuter then some of them
but alright thats enough for me for the night let me know what you think about the discussion below :)
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