Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Being a procrastinator ugh!!

SOoooo...you need to watch this

My main discussion today is moms who party....Now i got pregnant when i was 19 and before i got pregnant i would hang out and do stupid things with my friends but once i got pregnant i stopped...now some of the moms now a days go out every week and i don't understand how thats even exceptable shouldn't CSB be checking these people out? seriously how can you call yourself a good mom when you a barely with your child or your out so late that when they get up your probably still drunk from the night before or too tired to take care of your responsibility. I think it's completly fine to go out once a month and leave your kid with a babysitter or relative thats understandable because we all need a break sometime. Also i don't understand how you can do drugs around your child and still be able to pay attention or be aware enough to raise them? Maybe since i became a mom i became more prude but i just think it's wrong. when you agree to become a mother you agree to give up the life you had before and be there for your child and not be a child anymore no matter how old you are! Any comments on that subject?

Now i'm so excited because next week is the last week of this semester and i only have a huge portfolio to put together and 1 exam :) i can't wait!!! but of course i had all semester to put this thing together and haven't even started on my portfolio ugh! can you say procrastination!!!!!

I'm not sure if anyone is staying up to watch the royal wedding but i would be so embarassed to see my face on all these souviners lol

Yesterday night Larry made homemade pizzas on bagels and i have to tell you they are AMAZING
And my wonderful boyfriend got me a purse for easter :)
 well thats enough of me for the day peace and love :)

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