Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hospital visits

Sorry i didn't post a blog last night i'll post 2 today..... yesterday was a long day with us being in the hospital for fayth for 8 hours so i'm just going to post some pictures and talk about what happened...

When we got in the hospital they gave us this outfit for fayth to put on, shes so stinking cute even in the ugliest of things lol

she had fun while we waited with her baby
that was really cute when she did that.
At this point i wasn't nervous.... I called the hospital last week and they have a specialist there called a child life specialist what they do is if you child is going into any type of surgery they walk you through the steps and whats going to happen so you dont' get scared. So i had a child life specialist come to the room and explain everything and what was going to happen and they showed fayth what was going to happen and heres a picture of them showing her what to do. those masks are scented so the kids smell that rather then the nasty gas they give you, and they also gave an infant one to her baby lol..

Ok by this point i'm getting alittle bit nervous and the dentist comes in and explains what they are going to do and stuff like that and then he said i do have to tell you the that was a bad decision to tell me these things because after he told me i had a major anxiety attack.....but he says all the things i'm already afraid of happening like she won't wake up from the aneshetia or that she could not get enough oxygen to her brain and stuff like that ugh!!!

So they say it's time to take Fayth back and with the child life specialists they also allow you to go back with your child untill shes under anesthesia now that was HORRIBLE to watch but i knew it was better for me to be back there with her when she went to sleep but heres a pictures of us before we went back..don't u love my outfit i look sexiiiiiiii haha
 Well i walked her back and held in the tears until she was sleeping and i just bawled my little baby was in someone else hands and i didn't know them nor know what they are doing to her and i was afraid of all the risks and Fayth is my whole life and reason for living if anything ever happened to her it would be the end of me...

Anyways so i was so upset and hungry because i didn't want to eat infront of fayth so i went down to the cafeteria and got some "comfort food" lol some diet coke, ceaser chicken salad, popcorn chicken, french fries, and the best pie i've ever had lol
Well around 3 hours later they called us back to see fayth and she was just wimpering and sweating so i just held her in the rocking chair and she fell back asleep then an hour or 2 later they let us go home not an experiance i want to go through again but i'm very proud of fayth for staying strong shes a trooper!!!!


  1. I'm proud of Fayth and you! Reading about the experience would have been rough for any parent! You two are quite the team together! :)

  2. Well thank you :) we make a great team together she's the peanut to my butter hehe
