Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What a sunny day :)

So today was really nice out side and we met my dad up at the park as you can see Fayth and my dad had alot of fun. Larry met some guys and played basketball for awhile.
Now i found the coolest video EVER and it is amazing you have to watch it

Ok so today i've been so bloated it hurts sooooo bad it kind of feels like i need to stick a straw in my stomach to get air out that picture explains how i feel lol

And i got 3 compliments today which was good because i wasn't really feelin well since i was so bloated they said
  1. You look cute today
  2. I like your hair that way
  3. And you have a very trustworthy looking face
haha either way they are compliments :) well thats enough from me today short one :)

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