Monday, April 18, 2011

A short one

Ok today is going to be a short one because i'm in an irritated mood thanks to larry, every time he gets bored he likes to be annoying then once we are all annoyed he's fine.

anyways, i'd like to talk about rude i work 8am-12 and there was a customer standing at the next register so i asked nicely is there anything i can help you find and she looked at me and said rudely "i think i know where i am i don't think i need your help" and just staired at me really mean so i gave her a look back and i was like "wow sorry for trying to help" and i walked away... wtf why r people like that i was trying to help and she had to be a bitch!!

Why is it that around the holidays people are always rude? they always say kill them with kindness but i'd rather give them a back hand and tell them where to shove it if you know what i mean but i'm in customer services i have to bite my tounge it sucks FUCK makes me so irritated!!!!!

well here's a funny before I go....Donna at work yesterday said i used to have a butt but now it's all saggy...oh how i love Donna :)

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