Ok before i get into my main discussion i want to add a few things i seen today these videos are pretty crazy
I got my teeth cleaned today and also thats my crazy face there. And someone smelled like smoke while i was taking my history exam GROSS!!!
Ok for the main discussion today i'd like to talk about today is 9/11 i know it was almost 10 years ago but what i don't understand is why anyone didn't question what actually happened i have a few pictures to explain why i ask this

Now this picture of the world trade center shows explosions and if you watch the actual footage you see these explosions as it's falling now answer me this why would a building this big fall straight down like a controlled demolition? don't you think it would have fallen differently? Now i know alot of you who read this are going to be like "no way the government couldn't of planted these things against his people" but seriosly look at the facts watch the video 911: in plane site and you will agree with me....I think all of us are guilty of just listening to authority and just excepting it without asking questions, i mean we are raised to listen to our elders and not talk back but what if... In ethics class we are asked to question authority and question it again because only then you can understand in your own terms and learn....now i'm not saying you have to believe this but what i am saying is look at the facts and tell me what you think? listen to the presidents speechs after 9/11 and tell me it doesn't sound fishy...... You be the one to decide.
Alrighty thats enough for today :) peace and love <3
Hey Girl... funny you posted this in your blog today, as I was just showing my older 2 kids what happened that day, today...
ReplyDeletecheck these out...
I saw the 2nd plane hit WTC with my own eyes as it happened (albeit, on the news, but it was every channel from many different angles). I don't believe in any conspiracy theory regarding 9/11...
I have not watched "Loose Change" but I think I might, just to laugh. If you have time and are serious about thinking 9/11 was a government plot, here is the follow up to that so called documentary, called "Screw Loose Change." It is 3 hours long, but debunks all the myths that Loose Change tries to make people believe...
Let me know what you think after seeing those links I posted.