Well Fayth gets put under anethesia tom. morning idk if i'm ready for this but i don't think i have a choice....Booo
Now this is very funny and i have to say i officially love this guy haha
Well i found a story today involving gas prices i figured everyone would want to know about... It's saying that president Obama is going after the oil companies saying they are charging too much and he's going to do something about it <i'll believe it when i see it lol> http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2011/04/gas-gouging-president-announces-task-force.html thats the website with the information on it if your interested.
Now every time i hear about kids committing suicide it scares me because i don't remember hearing it happen so much years ago and it makes me scared because i was bullied in school and i know how that feels to not want to be here anymore but i found a story that was recent of 2 girls in a middle school commiting suicide the same night http://abcnews.go.com/US/video/double-suicide-hits-minnesota-middle-school-13408680?tab=9482931§ion=4765066 it makes me scared of what school and life is going to be like when fayth starts getting older...
Ok this is the last thing i'll post before i go it's a horrible story but i have to share it http://abcnews.go.com/US/video/florida-teens-lured-boy-to-murder-13425604?tab=9482931§ion=4765066 thats the website to watch the video but i'll sum it up for you basically....this 20 year old kid wanted to hurt a 17 year old boy because he liked his girlfriend so they lured him to their house beat the kid then shot him several times but it doesn't stop there they put his body parts in buckets and threw them in a lake and put the rest of his body in as sleeping bag and burned it...wtf!!! like i said what is this world coming to.....
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