Sunday, April 10, 2011

Random thoughts again

Before i start i wanted to say i'm very proud of my brother Canen Smith for making it in the paper heres the link if you want to read it

Heres a picture of my mom and brother and me and my brother

Ok so i worked all day today 11-730 and it was so nice out side so that sucked so today is just going to be a bunch of random stuff i thought of throughout the day
  1. I really hate when people say have a great weekend..because i don't really know what that means why doesn't anyone ever say have a great week? i mean my weekends never consist of much other then work so hmm nope i'm not going to have a great weekend :)
  2. ok so people really irritate me sometimes and heres a list of reasons why
    • people who complain too much
    • people who can't seem to stop talking on their phone where ever they go
    • skinny people irritate me because they always look good in everything
  3. I feel like i have seniorities because i can't wait for school to be over with ugh!!!
  4. Today everyone kept coming in and saying omg it's so nice outside or omg your missing how pretty it was and all i wanted to say was "shut the fuck up and kiss my ass oh here i'll even bend over for you." come on people have alittle consideration for the working people lol.
  5. Have you ever noticed no matter where you go there are always pregnant people wtf is going on? Don't drink the water thats for sure.
  6. Alrighty so i was thinking earlier about plastic surgery and what i would get done so here it is
    • I would get liposuction of my stomach because having babies means grosssssss
    • and butt implants just the that size> nothing huge i just want something there you know
    • what would you get if you could?
  7. ok so i found this video of this police officer or maybe we should call him a wittle baby just watch the video and see how stupid and mean he is....
8. now i'd also like to share this music video with you because it's my favorite right now and i love these guys

well thats enough of me today :)