Saturday, April 23, 2011


I guess i don't really have much time so i'll make this quick my dad sent me the best picture earlier it made my day....his message said i think somethings wrong with the easter bunny hahahahaha

i worked today 5-10 and this lady was in my line and she had 2 kids well behaved the little boy went and sat down on a motorized scooter and didn't touch anything just sat there waiting, when the mother seen where he was she so your being rediculous get over here, he didn't fuss he jsut got up and walked to his mother, she picked him up and smacked him hard on his sent pain in my gut i almost said something to her and i almost called the cops thats rediculous!!!!! i could see if the kid was acting up  and you yell at him but in public DON'T HIT YOUR KIDS YO!

Alright well i've always wanted to do this...I've always wanted to cook while driving on my engine if you've never heard of that here;s some facts and pictures
this pictures is actually of an exhaust and they are called exhaust burgers haha

I"m going to have to try it
Car engine cooking no-nos...
1 - Give the accelerator linkage a WIDE berth. It connects the gas pedal to carburetor or fuel-injection system and regulates the flow of fuel to the cylinders. Jam this and either your car won't start, or worse, it won't stop!
2 - Don't block the airflow. You'll suffocate the engine.
3 - Avoid yanking wires. Or pulling wires. Or forcing a food-package to fit. Basic rule of thumb...if you have to force it, you shouldn't put it in.
4 - Place food with the engine OFF. Seems like an obvious rule, but if you don't want a nasty injury, follow this advice.
5 - Avoid foods with lots of liquid. Foil-wrapping a meal with lots of liquid could results in unwanted goop all over your engine. And that's not good for it.

just in case you want to try it^ lol

well i'm done for today :)

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