Wednesday, April 20, 2011

R.I.P. Tim Hetherington

Ok so today i worked 1030-7 which is a very long day lol but this lady came into the store and grabbed a cart and started complaining "why don't these carts have cup holders" OMG is what i thought  haha now come on i know we are living in perrysburg and most of the people who live here are snobby but really?

Now last night there was a big storm and i was here alone with fayth so i was really freaked out! i literally thought i was having a heart attack....i didn't go to bed till like 3 till the storm was really quiet and then the wind started blowing really bad and i was having anxiety attacks left and right because bad weather scares the crap out of me!!

So i know today is national pot smoking day and you smoke it if you got it but comeon i think it's time to grow up a little bit....i caught one of my brothers friends trying to steal eye drops today like really dude?

here's another funny Donna moment earlier at work we where told to stand at the end of our registers to show people we where ready for them to come down our lane and Donna says "I feel like a call girl standing out here saying cum right this way, cum and get it" HAHAHAHA I LOVE donna shes halarious

I have some sad news Tim Hetherington was murdered today in Lybia. if you don't know who taht is you need to watch Restrepo it's a great documentry/movie he was the director of that movie and it is amazing!!!

Now thats a cute penguin
Now thats crazy!

alright well i'm going to go watch the new harry potter movie cccccya!:)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I was really freaked out that night too. Storms are terrifying
    2. haha you gotta love Donna. I haven't worked with her in forever :(
    3. The penguin was adorable
