Thursday, April 28, 2011

Schoooools out for the summa!!!

HEY so today was the last day of school except for finals next week can u say excited!!!!!

Now today i have sad news gas went up to $4.15 if you haven't already noticed....thats sad.....

Me and Larry want to take a trip to New York this summer on our break because i've never been there and Larry grew up in New York heres a couple of things i want to see :

I want to see ground zero and i think it would be a great experience for Fayth to see New York and stuff like that and we where talking about visiting the Jersey Shore when we where there too lol. yeah buddy!! lol idk if we are still going or not with money and everything but i found cheap hotels in jersey and the surrounding area and if my car holds up we will be able to drive so that would be really fun!

In my speech class today my teacher had an thats easy button like on the office max commersial and she said she had it in her bag one time and she went into the bathroom and when she was done she went to grab her bag and accidentally pressed it hahaha she said she was too embarassed to come out of the bathroom so she waited for awhile till everyone was gone lol how funny is that haha

well i'm almost done with my portfolio so i'm going to work on that somemore maybe lol


  1. I heart NYC. I suggest a walk around Rockerfeller Center, Times Square and then play in Central Park. Do it in one day and top it off with a trip in FAO Schwartz. All free of charge and a thrill for the senses. We're going in June and I'll be playing the part of tourist... again. BTW, that was easy!
