Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy birthday's and then some

Soooo today is my amazing boyfriends 26th birthday :) but unfortunatly he's working a double today :( but i left a little surprise at home for him when i left for school.... I'm such a good gf hehe

It sucks that i won't be able to see him for maybe only an hour today but he'll know me and Fayth love him dearly.

Now to talk about how awesome Larry is he has helped me raise Fayth for almost a year now and has helped shape Fayth into the awesome little girl she is today he's done so much for me and Fayth I'm so grateful...
Ever since we started getting closer my grades have sky rocketed up to the highest they've ever been i never thought i was going to be an A and B student but I am!!

After me and Fayths dad went our seprate ways I always said that it would just be me and her and no one else because i was too afraid that i would get in a relationship and fayth would get attached and then they would disappear and i didn't want to put her in that position. But I opened my heart and gave it a shot and i'm so very glad i did...with Fayths dad not in the picture Larry is a great fatherly role model!

now i don't mean to be perverted with this one but it was halarious so i have to show it

Now last but not least i'd like to talk about a video that happened a couple days ago involving kobe Bryant, now i understand that people get offended when gay slurs are used and i understand that it's not right, but come on he's angry and you just say words that come to your mind. I dont' condone the use of these words but people need to loosing up alittle bit it's 2011 where songs talk about eating out and having sex so just relax!

well thats enough for me :)

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