Now today i decided i would share with you the story of my life i'm probably going to get a little personal just to warn you so here it is :)

I was born on March 18th 1988 at around 4a.m. My name i was born with was Erica Rae Bell. My parents names are Michael Bell and Deanna Scott and you've seen both of their pictures in previous posts. I have 2 brothers that i love dearly but dont' get to see very oftern Brandon Bell and Canen Smith. <best brothers ever My parents got divorced not too much longer after i was born and my dad got custody of me....My mother and i have had our ups and downs in the last 23 years and i have watched her go through so much pain and so much happiness...I have watched her struggle with addiction which i know is a hard thing to battle and I have fealt the pain of the things that can happen when you are under it's control. I am so very proud to say that she is sober and doing wonderful she has grown into a beautiful person and i'm starting to get to know my mom better and i know that she is such a great person now because she is stronger then ever. Through the years since i was about 2 i've grown up with my step mom Susan.. She was my best friend growing up (not always though lol) and i am glad she was there for me she has done alot for me that i could never pay her back for. When i was in 3rd grade my dad and i where taking the cat to the vet and a semi ran over our car luckly it stopped before running over me and my dad geez that was scary...In October of 2006 I met Nick (fayths dad) and on my 19th birthday March 18th of 2007 I found out i was pregnant. I had a rough pregnancy to say the least. I was in labor for 2 weeks and i wouldn't suggest that lol...On November 25th 2007 Fayth Olivia Marie was born 4:16pm weighing 8lbs 1 0z. 21 1/2 inches long she is the love of my life! I got married to her father on new years eve of 2008 and moved to North Carolina to be with him since he was in the marines. Shortly after I moved back home and filled for divorce due to Domestic Violence :(....In may of 2010 i was diagnosed with cancerous cells of my cervix and i had cysts growing on my ovaries so in July of 2010 i had surgury to get the cysts removed and a laser abration of my cervix.
My life now: I have an amazing boyfriend his name is Larry VanHooser. He is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. We started out best friends since i was 14 so around 9 years we've known each other and it just happened neither of us expected it but i'm so glad where my life has takin me i have so much love in my life and Larry raises Fayth like he's her father he's so good to both of us i can't even describe it....i now know what good love feels like and i will never take that for granted :) I'm head over heals in love with him and i'm glad that i wake up every morning to him and fayth:)
Through all that has happened i have learned so much about myself and where i want to be in life and what i want out of life i'm so very greatfull for everything that has happened to me no matter it good or bad each lesson has taught me to be stronger and a better person and mother to Fayth
Well thats just alittle bit about me :)
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