Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain Rain go away

Alrighty so today i worked 8-12 this morning and i guess a tornado hit in Bowling green and it was coming our way and the power went off at work and i started having a major panic attack becuase fayths daycare was less then a mile from where i was working it was scary!!!

Well today i started doing the Itworks! wraps and i noticed a significant difference the first time i used it but we will see in 3 days :)

Now i love rain but what i don't like about rain are these. GROSS...
Today a man was shot and killed in BG after the police where doing a "check the welfare" because the man shot at police when they tried to talk to him.

i really like this music video and beyonce!!

I have sad news today i took out my hair feathers because my hair grew out and i just didnt want them anymore their time had come :(
Well i've got a portfolio to put together that i haven't started yet so i think i'll start on that now

ooooo before i forget i have a 3.7 GPA so Deans list here i come :)
so before i go i'll fill this out :)

Have you ever made out in a bathroom? yes
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? most of the time yes lol
Who was the last person to call you? Larry
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?water
When is the last time you cried?when fayth was getting her teeth done
Are you scared of spiders?yes
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? no because i like where i ended up
What are your plans for this weekend?work
Ever been swimming in a lake or river?yes
Last person you drove with in a car?Fayth
What did you last buy?Ebay :/
What’s irritating you right now? Nothing really
What radio stations do you listen to?92.5 but it's getting so bad since Andrew Z is gone
Are you afraid of the dark?yes
Are you listening to music right now?none
Do you like Chinese food?oh yes
What is the last movie you saw in theaters?Omg i dont even remember lol
Is there anyone you wish was still in your life?hmm no
Do you get distracted easily?yes...wait what are we talking about haha jkjk
First time you kissed the last person you kissed?i don't remember the date but it was in september 2010 :)
Was this the best year of your life?not yet
Who are your best friends?Larry is my bestest friend but i have other friends
What was going through your mind during your last kiss?i'm going to miss you
Is it easier to forgive or forget?forgive
Are you jealous of someone?haha no
What last made you laugh the hardest? fayth
Do you flirt a lot?only with my hunny
Would you live with someone without marrying them?I do now
Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?yes :(
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Larry because i'm so emotional i can't watch 16 and pregnant without crying haha
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? yes
Who was the last person that made you feel safe, why?Larry because he's here to protect me and fayth and i love him with all my heart and more
Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?no?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?no
Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? oh yes
What did you do yesterday?school
Have you ever dated Someone Older Than You? i am now
What time did you go to bed at and when did you awake? 1230 last night and i woke up at 615 this morning
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?depends
Believe in love at first sight?no i believe in lust at first sight

The end :)

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