So this morning i was going to the bathroom and all of the sudden i heard Fayth scream and she ran into the bathroom hypervantalating saying their was a spider on her wall in her room when i walked into her room this is what i found...Now if you don't know what that is it's a silverfish and they are creepy so i told Larry to get me a bowl to catch it so i got the bowl and i put a plate underneath it to pick it up when i went to put my hand under it to get it off the wall the silverfish came crawling out onto my arm so i freaked out and ran and i thought i sqwished it so i was on the computer and i seen it crawl up the wall and i said "holey fucking fantastic" and larry laughed as i ran out of the room lol so i tried it again this time with a book under it i almost got it off the wall when it crawled out again and fell to my feet i screamed and grabbed a book and smashed the little fucker mwahahahahaha i really didn't want to kill it but it gave me no choice i was trying to set it free outside but instead it insisted on me to kill it so r.i.p. silverfish.
So i worked today 11-730 and this little boy was begging his mom for some candy, he was about 3 or so. and she kept saying no so i turned to the little boy and i said "if you eat that your mouth is going to fall off" so he put that candy done quick! and was holding his mouth the whole way out of the store haha i'm such a meany.
Now to go along with that story one time fayth was acting up and it was windy outside so i told her if she doesn't hold my hand she is going to blow away so now everytime it's windy she starts wimpering and grabs my hand really hard and says "mommy hold my hand i don't want to blow away" lol i feel bad because i don't want her to be afraid of the wind but then again now she will always hold my hand hehe
well thats enough for me it's movie time. :)
you drop the f bomb in front of your 3 year old??
ReplyDeleteNo if you read it correctly she ran out of the room she was in the living room...why would it matter anyway your not the cussing nazi.....