Ok so i have to talk about something that really grosses me out...People who wear too much make up such as..
Now seriously do you really think you look good with all that make up on? i see people come through my line and there face is like 10 shades darker then their neck? Now i don't wear any make up so thats probably why i think it's so gross but what ever. I don't feel that you need to wear make up to make your self look better if people dont like the way you look then so be it...i mean they are going to eventually see you with no make up anyways be careful cuz they may run then thinking you look scarier without make up haha... moral of the story like the way you look no matter what others say :)

ok well i was trying to look up a story i heard at work but instead i found this story and couldn't stop laughing haha
Heres the real story i was looking up haha
now i was on the FML web site and here are a few funny ones
Well thats enough of me today :)