Friday, April 1, 2011

I don't know what to name this blog post :)

Yesterday i forgot to mention something awesome me and Larry seen. We seen a police chase for real!!! we where driving down dixie hwy it was pretty cool... anyways today we ordered that new pizza from pizza hut that has the stuffed crust with pepperoni pretty darn delicious!

This morning i got up at 6a.m. as Larry was getting home from work because i THOUGHT i worked at 8am so i get into work and i didn't need to be there till 3 so that immediatly ruined my day lol....then we won't go into much detail but i got a phone call from someone obviously not in a good mood yelling at me so i just hung up. haha :p

To go along with my post from yesterday about taking life for granted, i recently relized that life can change in an can go from being the happiest family that everyone would die to have to a war zone in the matter of seconds your whole world just got blown to peices, how does that happen so fast and how are you supposed to recover from something like that? especially when everything you've ever know no longer is... To put it this way so i don't have to describe everything... I thought i had an entire family including aunts and uncles and stuff that actually cared about me but that became evident a couple months ago that thats not true...pretty sad actually when you thought someone cared and that they where only doing it out of obligation...image how bad that feels to just wake up one day and you have NO ONE to talk to in your family and your not allowed to discuss it because they don't feel your allowed to have your own opinion. Nothing in my life is the same anymore absolutly nothing but in a way i'm happy because i have my own family now with Larry and Fayth and thats where all of my love is going and it actually made us stronger having to go through what we did as a couple and i love him for being my best friend and i can't wait to spend more happy years with him and fayth together :)

but enough about the sad fayth was talking on the phone with Larry's neice it was super funny because they sounded like little teenagers talking to each other it's crazy how little kids are lol. we need that show kids say the darndest things back because i loved that show.

Alright it's time for me to go and watch a movie :) talk to you tommorrow :)

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